Audiobook: Mental toughness in Golf - 2 OF 10 PRE-SHOT ROUTINES
Mental toughness in Golf - 2 OF 10 PRE-SHOT ROUTINES
Written by Professor Aidan Moran. Aidan is Director of the Psychology Research Laboratory in University College, Dublin. Aidan’s work for the last twenty years has included one to one coaching on mental toughness with top players including Major winners. Narrated by Sara Dylan
There are 10 audio recordings in this series including: Concentration, course management, developing mental toughness, enjoying your golf, first tee nerves, handling mistakes and setbacks, increasing your confidence, performing under pressure, pre-shot routines, and putting well.
Have you ever wondered why golfers like to prepare for every shot in the same methodical way? For example, they always line up their target and set-up their shots in a consistent manner and they take the same number of practice swings each time. In golf, this preferred sequence of preparatory thoughts and actions is called a “pre-shot routine”. Its main objective is to help players to clear their minds and warm-up their bodies so that they can focus completely on producing a comfortable and consistent swing. Such consistency is crucial for success in golf. As Gary Player, a 9-times Major winner, remarked: “the most important thing in golf is to have the same swing every time”.
Contains instruction on pre-shot routines, pre-match routines, post mistake routines and a short visualisation exercise.