Audiobook: YIN AND YANG
This short audio presentation by Dr Denis McBrinn and narrated by Sara Dylan is designed to bring a clear definition of Yin and Yang, how to appreciate the concept, and to give you the opportunity to focus and reflect on the effects of recognising Yin and Yang in your life. "Before day, there must be night. Before falling there must be rising." Tao de ching
In ancient Chinese philosophy Yin and Yang represent the two interconnected forces in all things. It describes how seemingly opposite forces may actually be complementary in nature. The pulsation of energy between opposites creates the dance of life.
How this short audio learning experience works:
This audio presentation has been designed using an experiential learning model, Kolb, D. A. (1984): concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.
By taking this approach we hope to cater for all learning styles.
You will be given specific new information in the recording usually as “key tips”, “explanations” and “quotes”. You will be led through a gentle but positive meditative reflection process to assist you before conceptualisation and then putting your new skills into practice.
You will be encouraged to return to the recording from time to time to re-listen and reinforce your learning and the desired changes in your life.