Audiobook: BE FABULOUS, HAVE IT ALL! Full Album
By Brenda Shankey A modern day survival guide for today’s woman on how to be blissfully happy every day! Keep stress at bay and live life in the fast lane! Introduction narrated by Colin Day
Learning how to have it all in today’s society can be pretty demanding. We expect to have the perfect life, well paid job, and beautiful home, top of the range car, stunning partner, perfect figure and youthful looks – Says who? Exactly: Where do we pick up our expectations of ourselves and indeed others? How come we demand so much from life and how come our expectations are so high? Welcome to Be Fabulous, the ultimate guide to contentment and realising you have it all right now just as it’s supposed to be. You can have it all, everything you want, hope, dream for and desire plus more… You can have the perfect YOU!
Track List
Track One – Introduction, Track Two – Having it all, Track Three - It’s all about you! Track Four - Make your life your daily business and being grateful, Track Five - Your daily 1 minute master class, Track Six - 20 minute morning supercharge, Track Seven – Morning meditation - a positive start to your day,Track Eight – Mindfulness to bust stress, Track Nine - How to manage difficult, traumatic situations, Track Ten -Talk to yourself positively every moment you can, Track Eleven – Evening meditation – leaving the busy day behind, Track Twelve - Coping with hardships and stress, Track Thirteen - Live, Love, Learn, Track Fourteen– Summary and Conclusion